Henry, Geoffrey & MK

Episode Details


2nd February 2016

Series 5


In tonight’s episode, Professor Noel Fitzpatrick meets three families in need of his specialist skill and experience along with the rest of the Fitzpatrick Referrals team. Noel is faced with one of his greatest challenges, a young puppy has fractured his neck and is on the brink of paralysis unless Noel can find a way to save his life…


Eighteen-week-old cockapoo puppy Henry is rushed into Fitzpatrick Referrals with a fractured neck. A freak garden accident where he collided with a flower-pot has left him paralyzed and fighting for his life.  Professor Noel Fitzpatrick is forced to perform a risky, and truly inventive, procedure to re-align the fracture in an attempt to save his life.

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A temperamental and accident-prone cat, known as MK, has fallen from a window.  MK lives with Lizzie who is a vet and she has already tried fixing MK’s leg herself, but the operation hasn’t worked and she’s worried he may need a knee-replacement. Noel is confronted with a possible infection in the wound as he battles to save the leg.

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Romanian stray Geoffrey was found abandoned and emaciated before being adopted by Kent couple, John and Stacey. His front legs are so badly deformed that he’s in constant pain and barely able to walk. Noel must break and re-align both front legs if he’s to stand any chance of giving Geoffrey a pain free life.

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