Faberge is an elderly Chinese Crested Dog with a fabulous wardrobe of clothes. Her owners Julie and Suzanne bring her in for a brain scan as she’s been having some strange seizures. It’s a mysterious case for Veterinary Neurologist, Clare Rusbridge.

Faberge at Fitzpatrick Referrals
Faberge was referred to Fitzpatrick Referrals after several abnormal seizure-like events which caused her to wobble on her feet and appear disorientated.
These episodes lasted several seconds and suddenly ended, after which she seemed completely normal. She was referred to visit Fitzpatrick’s Chief Neurologist Clare Rusbridge for further investigation.
On presentation her pupils were different sizes and she had a stiff and strange gait. On closer examination, her right pupil had a poor response to light. Clare recommended an MRI scan, which showed multiple microbleeds in her brain which were suspected to be age-related degeneration of her blood vessels.
The stumbling episodes were suspected to be related to these transient ischemic attacks (TIA). There is not a specific treatment for this and Faberge’s quality of life was not so significantly affected by the condition, so a neuroprotective medication and fatty acid/antioxidant supplements were recommended and her much relieved family, Julie and Suzanne, took her home, content they had done what was right for their beloved friend, and comforted that she was not in imminent danger.

Faberge at Fitzpatrick Referrals