Scooby the bouncy Labrador was suffering from a tumour in his leg when owners David and Jill brought him in to see Noel at Fitzpatrick Referrals last October.
Scooby enjoying a long walk
David had to make the tough decision to allow amputation of his leg that was badly affected by cancer, or have him put to sleep. David couldn’t bring himself to say goodbye so the surgery went ahead. Noel was happy to do the surgery, knowing that Scooby would wake up the next morning, pain free. Read Scooby’s full story here.
Since his surgery Scooby has had regular chemotherapy sessions. Everyone at the practice knows and loves Scooby. He always has a special fuss made of him when he comes in.
He surprised us all when he was able to attend DogFest, over a year since he was first seen by Noel. He was awarded a special ‘Hero’s’ medal.
On David’s birthday he said all he wanted was for Scooby to be there to celebrate it with him, as a much loved member of the family.
It’s now been 14 months since Scooby was first diagnosed with cancer and started his treatment. He still visits Fitzpatrick Referrals for chemotherapy and David and Jill say they make the most of every day they have with him!
Scooby at home
Scooby at home