
The Show

Simba, Cato & Tynee

Series 12 / Episode 2

19th September 2018

This week, the nation’s favourite vet, Professor Noel Fitzpatrick, is faced with an emergency case that brings a particular challenge

This episode is being broadcast Wednesday 19th September 2018 on Channel 4 at 8pm in the UK

Poppy, Simba & Tulee

Series 12 / Episode 5

10th October 2018

This week a little Cavachon called Poppy is rushed to see Professor Noel Fitzpatrick as an emergency, Noel is shocked by the severity of a young Labrador called Simba’s badly formed hips and Nina brings in her nervous nine-year-old Basset Hound Tulee who has a spinal problem caused by diseased discs in her back…

Iver, Luca & Bow

Series 12 / Episode 6

17th October 2018

On this week’s episode of The Supervet, an urgent case is directed to Professor Noel Fitzpatrick when an 8 year old Newfoundland called Iver is rushed to Fitzpatrick Referrals after collapsing in the back garden, Dr Gerard McLauchlan is met with a bit of a messy problem when a young Labrador puppy called Bow is admitted with an ectopic ureter, and Noel treats an active springer spaniel called Luca for developmental elbow disease.

Tom, Otis & Bailey

Series 12 / Episode 7

24th October 2018

In the final episode of series 12, Professor Noel Fitzpatrick treats a Labrador with a serious injury to his paw, an ageing Cocker Spaniel in need of a total hip replacement and a lovable French Bulldog who is struggling to walk after an accident in the park.