Cheeky Charlie, a 2-year old British short-haired cat arrives with Kate and Adam after jumping off the sofa and injuring his hip. Noel discovers the ball at the top of the thigh bone is fractured, causing him to limp
Buzz is referred to Fitzpatrick’s with a suspicious lump on his ankle. Buzz is Jo and Peter’s best friend; he keeps Peter, who has heart problems, healthy with walking and his companionship.
Professor Noel Fitzpatrick is a world-class orthopaedic-neuro veterinary surgeon, Founder and Managing Director of Fitzpatrick Referrals and Professor of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Surrey
Founded in 2005 by Professor Noel Fitzpatrick, Fitzpatrick Referrals is dedicated to creating an environment where it would be truly possible to marry compassionate care with excellence in veterinary medicine.